
Blog – The Mountain Mystic

Forest Body Healing

Hello, and Welcome to the Blog of The Mountain Mystic

Here, we explore the embodied path through the frameworks of The Mountain and The Forest, two very real, living, breathing archetypes alive on this Planet Earth that offer us guidance along our wild, messy, beautiful, often chaotic paths in this human experience.

The following writings are housed here and on Substack: an online community of writers, creatives, and other forms of human beings seeking connection through an open ability to express.

Note: I am currently in process creating The Mountain Mystic Blog as an upgrade from the original Upward Slopes Blog. Because I want you to have access to the most relevant writings, this blog is currently structured to get you access to where I think you best be headed.

The remaining structure of this page will be shifting over winter 2024/20025 as it takes its form.


Featured Post - Take A Deep Breath With Me:

Take a moment to pause with one slow, conscious breath. I promise you, it has the power to change your life.

Forest Body Healing (4)

From The Upward Slopes Archives

The Skeletons of Ponderosas

Chasing Upward Slopes

Following the path to happiness

and one fulfilled life.

Not that there is any particular destination,

but when you’ve chosen the right setting

and show up intent on being fully immersed in the experience,

then when you find your heart glowing and content,

you know you’ve arrived.

me climbing antero
Forest Body Healing