

Hi, I'm Katie, and I am here to support your health transformation with an organic & individualized process - one that will free you from stress & overwhelm while enabling you to do so much more of all that you love in this one precious life

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Release the stress and overwhelm created by a diet & wellness industry selling false promises and over-simplified solutions

Get clear on what healthy living means to you! This means releasing beliefs instilled by a culture fixated on poor ideas of good health

Take sustainable action that aligns with your fully embodied self, and never again force yourself to take on a change that causes distress

Learn to fully nourish yourself in ways that bring you more energy to do the things you love most in life

Healthier living as you lower stress and release overwhelm caused by the health, wellness, and diet industries

It's ironic, isn't it: that we are constantly bombarded with information that tells us how we should be living to be healthier; all-the-while, we find ourselves even more stressed and unable to make healthier choices that actually leave us feeling better!

Let's change this. Health transformation begins by relieving stress, making space for true healing to unfold. Once we've created more space in your life, you become free to fill it up with healthier habits and practices that best support your own needs & desires.

Health Transformation that serves your own body, lifestyle, and life circumstances:

  • Heal your relationship with food and develop healthy eating practices 

  • Create healthy movement practices that serve your own body and lifestyle

  • Create more balance in your body and mind so that your intention to be healthier becomes your reality

For true health transformation, I bring together a diverse skillset developed as a Biomedical Engineer, Health Coach, & Yoga Therapist

Nutrition Coaching

Stress Relief

Movement Practices

Individualized for Your Unique Lifestyle

Individualized for Your Own Body

Based on a the foundation set by science & engineering principles

Brought to you through embodiment practices from diverse traditions

Immediately after completing my formal education as a Biomedical Engineer (B.S.E., M.S.), I set out to understand all I could about nutrition, human health, and disease progression, including how our behavioral choices lead to the progression of the most common disease states plaguing our modern world.

Over time I developed a thorough understanding of human health, but what I couldn't quite do is turn this information into any sort of useful, transformative process - one that would truly add benefit to the lives of individuals whom I was seeking to help.

From this space I asked a new question:

How can we truly move forward through transformation in a way that leads us forward to better health, mentally & physically?

This second part of the journey took me to a new land: one far away from physiologic mechanisms and pathways and one grounded in real life.

With this new path, I cultivated knowledge & skills that support an embodied lifestyle:

  • one where we get out of our heads, including al of the stress and overwhelm that lives up there
  • one that gets us grounded in our fuller experience of this world, including how life is truly unfolding within our own human bodies

The point is not that I no longer believe in the importance of science and other sources of valid information.

Instead, it's about living life more fully centered in our own being, learning to make health-conscious decisions from a grounded space:

  • cultivating information from experts and other trusted sources that may serve us
  • taking aligned action as we tune into our bodies for feedback on whether actions are truly beneficial
  • releasing anything that brings too much stress, chaos, or other harm

Together, I bring it forth to you in one transformative experience - one in which you will learn to understand your own experience and to cultivate practices & habits that more fully support your own self; all-the-while, healing those painful & debilitating symptoms that take away from living your best life.

My way of thinking about health has changed over the years

After graduating as a Biomedical Engineer (B.S.E., M.S), I went off into the world believing that I could isolate health problems and develop simple solutions to address common diseases.

After a few years of researching all I could on nutrition, exercise, and other behaviors that contribute to the progression of common modern illnesses, what I realized was this:

Disease progression does not exist as isolated situations. Instead, our ever-changing states of health arise from complex webs created by our genetics, environment, life choices, and other life circumstances.

To put it more plainly, health is complex.

Because of the innate nature of health problems, any attempt to simplify solutions down into cookie-cutter formulas often does more harm than good.

If over-simplified solutions can't lead us forward through true health transformation, then what can?