
An Embodied Journey of Healing, Connection, and Your Wildest Fulfillment

Welcome! My name is Katie, and I am here as your guide along a new form of ascension journey:

  • A journey of Healing
  • A journey of Connection
  • A journey of Deepening Joy & Fulfillment

It happens here and now, in this moment, as we come to know ourselves ever-more-deeply for all that we are as human beings alive on this Planet Earth in these wild, challenging, and abundant times.

Yes, we find ourselves in a curious time in history where we have access to more than our ancestors could have ever imagined; while, simultaneously, facing challenges to a new degree that threaten our own individual selves and the whole of life on our Planet Earth as we know it.

It is times like these that we must be open not only to answers and solutions to solve our problems and resolve our ailments, but to an entire new way of being that allows us each to know ourselves in a wide and deep connection to our own selves, one another, and all life on this Planet Earth.

In connection: To the fullness of our own selves, each other, and all life on this Planet Earth

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Get Started Here


Enter your name and email below to receive your free grounding meditation: Connect into self, and connect deeply into Planet Earth.

The Journey

Step 1: Find your grounding through connection with your breath

Every journey begins with a single step (which will then be followed by the next and the next). As we we get started - before going anywhere! - let us begin by creating a grounded state of felt connection and presence.

Here, we begin with your connection to your body as you call upon your breath as your greatest guide and companion.

That is, your breath as your guide and companion on your journey into self; and, back out into the great expanse around you.

Your breath is a direct connection to self:

  • your nervous system
  • your circulatory system
  • all other parts of you

Your breath is a tool for grounding & discernment:

  • being present here and now
  • creating space to call in wisdom

Your breath is your companion

  • with you ever and always, from birth until death

Step 2: Connect Deeply - To self; To all that expands beyond self

Calling upon your breath, you begin the journey that is connecting inward. It's a journey that seems like it can't go too many places - until, that is, you take those first steps and realize that there is so much to feel and experience in your inner world.

An inner world - one that opens up vastly once you realize how very connected you are to the world around you.

We call upon the breath to guide us inward, and to connect us to that which lay outward.

From here, we continue to stay present to breath as we open to the many other ways of calling in deeper presence with what is here, alive in this moment.


Step 3: Allow Healing to Occur Spontaneously

Healing is a vast and complex experience, but it begins simply: via re-connection.

Or else, a deepening into connection with that which you never truly were separated from, but merely led to believe it.

Healing begins internally as you bring your conscious awareness to all the vast and complex ways that you are an interconnected being. No to worry, you need not understand these connections. This is not the role of your mind. Instead, your mind is used here to bring your attention where it serves to form and deepen connections for your healing.

And, from this space, organically begin to heal the world you are part of.


Step 4: Discernment and Desire on Your Unique Path Forward

Healing is a vast and complex experience, but it begins simply: via re-connection.

Or else, a deepening into connection with that which you never truly were separated from, but merely led to believe it.

Healing begins internally as you bring your conscious awareness to all the vast and complex ways that you are an interconnected being. No to worry, you need not understand these connections. This is not the role of your mind. Instead, your mind is used here to bring your attention where it serves to form and deepen connections for your healing.

And, from this space, organically begin to heal the world you are part of.


Why work with me?

A Biomedical Engineer (B.M.E., M.S.) who abandoned the path laid down before me through corporate America and a twisted healthcare system.

Here, now, having studied far and wide:

  • From yoga, meditation, and Eastern tradition that connects us deeply into self.
  • Deep into core embodiment traditions as they have been known across the world
  • Foremost, into my connection with my greatest guide and teacher, Mother Earth


Bringing you what is tried and tested and known to serve a grounded healing path that opens us up to how truly magical this world is.

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