

You Are Nature (10)

Get your FREE guided nature meditation for Springtime!

Hi, I'm Katie Hemphill

Here to help support your healing and wildest transformation

If you're looking to:

  • get out of your head and heal your body
  • clear out anxiety and overwhelm keeping you stuck and feeling lousy
  • step into alignment with clear knowing of how you can best show up in this world

Then you've come to the right place!

Years ago, I believed the answers to our greatest problems existed solely in the realm of engineering & technology - a space where I could call upon the power of my own mind to call in the greatest solutions!!

But when my path as a scientist & engineer led to burn out and my own life turned into wave after wave of crippling anxiety, I set off on a new path to explore what it truly means to live a life of good health, joy, and fulfillment.

It's a path that changed everything for me, and it's one I would love to guide you through!

The dark reality is that our current paradigm naturally leads to deep suffering for all aspects of life:

  • our own physical bodies - as we struggle through health problems that bring pain and other debilitating symptoms
  • our own greater selves - as we struggle through anxiety, depression and other forms of dis-ease that keep us stuck and unhappy
  • our communities - as we struggle with further divisiveness and are unwilling to come together to work through common problems
  • our dear planet - as our forests burn at unprecedented rates, our lands & communities go through drastic floods, the ground quakes, and we all continue to heat up

The brighter side of things is that we have all the solutions that we need: If only we are willing to reach out and embrace them. The real question is HOW WE DO THIS.

Healing begins deep within our own selves as we learn to connect all aspects of our being, rippling out into all walks of life as we take action based on known solutions.

Each individual healing our own selves as we heal in connection with the greater systems we are part of. This is our path forward.

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I believe in a path of healing as we find space for more of that which truly lights us up, but it can only be done if we are willing to be in this for all that it is. This is why I teach an embodied approach to the human experience, calling upon the full power of our human selves: mind, body, & soul.

Listen to the latest Podcast Episode

You Are Nature (11)

When we find ourselves in deep struggle - unable to take steps forward in the directions we truly want to go - it's normal to feel anxious and defeated

We live in deeply challenging times. This can be confusing - because our world has never had more access to the abundance of information and resources at our fingertips.

Why is it that our modern world seems so incapable of taking action to heal our deepest wounds and solve our greatest problems?

It's a question that has tugged at my mind, heart, and soul for many years now, leading me along my own quest for answers that lead to practical solutions to the following point:

How is it that we take action that truly leads to better outcomes? How is it that we heal our own wounds and show up in the world in a way that solves important problems that alleviate suffering and bring greater joy & fulfilment to our world?

Stop Dimming Your Light

It is not selfish to put your needs & desires first. At least, not as long as you are in alignment with that which is truly yours to experience.

We've been taught that the path to success requires sacrifice, so we sacrifice our time, our bodies, our hearts, and all the joy and wonder that exists in these spaces.

We're done with this model that teaches that we must sacrifice ourselves for other than what is right here, right now. 

Right here, right now, is a you that may be suffering. Right here, right now, is a world that is suffering for the exact same reasons.

We heal our world as a whole - in full connection to our humanity.

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Get out of your head, drop all the stories, and feel into what is actually alive right here, right now. It's a lesson I first learned while doing stem cell research, and one I quit science to deepen into in yoga & meditation. Here, I speak to it as what has to happen no matter where you find yourself in life.

There are so many beautiful paths that we can follow in life that can take us to deeper truths, healed wounds, and great innovations! But the way that we follow these paths is everything!


When I ran into a brick wall made of anxiety, overwhelm, panic, and depression, I listened everywhere for what could help me get out of my high-intensity lifestyle and move into a world of greater healing & balance.

What I found wasn't able to help me right away (and often made things worse!). Still, as I moved through this challenging space, I learned much about how we need to take charge of our own healing so that we can can cultivate practices that align with our needs (and not those of others).

Listen in to hear more about how you can match your embodiment practice (be in yoga, meditation, etc.) with what your body really needs

Our Path Forward (10)

Our path forward - as individuals AND as a collective - exists only as we turn inward

It's normal these days to look outward on a world full of individuals hollering countless ideas for what we could be doing to make this world a brighter place. But it is rare to find individuals who are fully tapped into solutions that move into aligned action that supports their own selves, their communities, and the planet as a whole.

I once participated in a world that defined progress by forever breaking it apart into individual components - and was trained to put it back together again in ways our egoic minds determined to count as progress.

I now recognize that we exist as a whole - as an infinitely complex web of life! - made up of infinite connections within and between our whole human selves, our whole ecosystems, and our whole planet.

We find solutions to our most significant ailments by no longer seeing them in isolation - but by stepping into deeper knowing and connection of what it truly means to be a human being in this spectacular world of ours.


You Are Nature

What does it mean to step onto a path of Embodied Living & Collective Healing?

It begins by returning to the truest of facts that you, as a human being, are biological.

As a Biological Being, we all exist within the laws of rich complexity that span inward and outward through vast webs of life.

From the individual molecules that make up your cells, tissues, organs - all the way out through your exhale and into the vast forests that are thinning around us: we are all connected in more ways than our mere human minds can begin to comprehend.

Hi, I'm Katie Hemphill

I'd love to welcome you into this space: A space of healing - our own, individual selves in connection to the greater systems we are part of.

It's been a long journey for my own self. Having set forth on the path of a Biomedical Engineer (B.S.E., M.S.), I stepped into a series of spaces that showed me that life lived fully in one's head (always thinking, analyzing, calculating, etc.) may not be the best way to understand our world and make the best decisions possible.

Today I teach an embodied path through life: one where, of course, let us call on science and other forms of external knowledge, while always being able to connect into our own embodied awareness.

It's in this space that we step into a deeper truth and knowing of what is at play. It is in this space that we find the healing that our world so desperately needs.

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Be the first to know about new writings and other offerings! Plus, receive my FREE Less Stress, More YOU guide to getting out of your head and stepping into a fully embodied lifestyle.

Work with me

Get out of your head and into your body as you learn to experience the fullness of this moment

I believe in a path forward that unfolds as we deepen into connection:

With our own, full selves

With the greater communities and ecosystems we are one part of

With our whole, beloved planet

As we heal from the wounds that have settled deep within our beings, and as we heal our nervous systems from the enormous stress put on us by this chaotic world, we become capable of taking action that truly serves: our own selves and those spaces we are most passionate about!

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We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for, and that includes an ability to show up for our own selves and for our work in the world.

Book a free call to learn more about how I can support your unique path

Find Me On YouTube

YouTube is my new primary means through communicating with you all out in the public!

Join me in this space for conversation (and the occasional free workshop!) on all things healthy & embodied living

Take a FREE Mini Yoga Class

My yoga is centered on a practice of slowing down, tuning in fully with our breath, and getting to know ourselves ever-more fully for what we truly are beneath all the programmed layers of our existence.

This style of yoga showed up as a remedy for my own self when my world came crashing down after years of chasing intensely after the things I had been told mattered most.

And, while I still LOVE ultra running, rock climbing, and other ways of pushing myself fully as I express my unique self, I also recognize the importance of slowing down and connecting into my self with my full, focused awareness.

Learn More: Explore the themes alive in this space

Biomedical Engineer (B.S.E., M.S.)

As a BME, I take a strong physiological approach to understanding metabolic health, including how your decisions directly impact pathways of health and disease in the human body. Check out my systems approach to addressing poor health and disease, as well as my models of disease progression, on my sister site: Your Health, Reprogrammed

Health and Embodiment Coach

Each of our own journeys to better health is highly individualized. You won't find the answers that best serve you from continuously seeking answers from others. Instead, you are best guided as you learn to find answers from within yourself, using science and your body's own intelligence to guide your decisions along the way.

Yoga Therapy

As we chase after the life that best serves us, it's inevitable that we run into challenges that arise from within our selves - body and mind. Let's work through those challenges using practices embedded in the ancient yoga philosophy.


Experience the world fully as you embrace a path of embodied practices, uniting body, mind, and spirit as you meet yourself in each moment.


The world is my playground and nothing lights me up like getting outside and taking on physical challenges, whether that's trail running for miles by the dozens, climbing up sides of cliffs, flying down a snowy slope, or climbing to the top of a peak!