
Heart Fire and Embodied Activism

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I see you. You're over there, burning with desire to call in a new world:

  • One where we are done causing mass harm to one another, to our planet, and to life in all its forms.

  • One where we are able to come together, work through the very real problems alive in our world, and take action that makes a difference.

I see you over there, burning, because it can feel impossible to show up in these spaces in life in a way that shifts the world in the way we need it to change.

Still, I hold this desire with you - a fierce knowing that this world is in need of deep change.

This is why I need you to be grounded, to be present, to be in felt and skilled connection with that fire that burns within you!

Because I want this world too. And to get there, we need to show up, together, doing our own work in connection with this greater world we are all part of.

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