Take a moment to drop into your heart. That is, the center of your being – held gently and securely right in the middle of your chest.
Take a moment with me to be still, and to be present in your heart.
I promise, this practice will change the way you experience reality and, in doing so, may even change the fabric of reality, itself.
Resolving the greatest problem alive in our modern world
See, there’s this problem alive in our world that has everything to do with disconnection; and, through this, a lived separation that is not in alignment with the true mechanics of reality.
I know a thing or two about the mechanics of reality. Before I taught meditation and embodiment, I lived as a bioengineer. In this space I was taught to understand reality through precise mechanical interactions. I learned to see the world (especially as it relates to the workings of the human body) in terms of direct effect. If I do A, then B will happen.
In this world I was taught to manipulate reality. If I understand how A affects B, then I can change A to create the desired outcome for B.
I left the world of bioengineering because I learned an important lesson regarding our times: these days we need less heady knowledge on what definitively is, and we need far more expansion into what this world (including our experience within it) could be.
Now, don’t get me wrong. This is no way, shape, or form tears me out of a deep desire and fierce commitment to staying grounded in reality. This is certainly not about bypassing what is real and true for some idea of what could be!
Instead, this is about being a bridge:
Can we understand reality for what it is while simultaneously opening to what has the very real potential to be called in?
In other words, can we be open to what we desire (what we want to change in this world, how we want to transform ourselves and this world) as we hold true to the nature of reality?
Back to the power of your human heart
I recognize the human heart as a powerful gateway to this both/and nature of reality. As we sit in presence, we deepen into what is real; what is true; what is.
And, as we sit in this space, we open to a powerful force of transformation that has everything to do with this lovely and wildly powerful mechanism:
That is, the power of your consciousness to transform reality.
Take a moment and play in a little practice with me:
- Take a moment to get settled. Find your feet on the floor / your seat in your chair. Just for a moment, bring your full attention the the felt, physical connection with the ground holding you here in this moment.
- Once you are settled, begin to call upon your breath. Breathe deeply down into your body. Feel the expansion of your ribs as you are filled with the inhale. Exhale, allowing any distractions to fall away.
- Continue to breathe for 5-10 breaths
- Breathe in, allowing your inhale to guide your attention deeper inward. Feel into the sensation that is your ribs, your abdomen expanding
- Breathe out, allowing your exhale to help you release anything that has space in your mind that doesn’t serve this practice
- When you’re ready, bring your attention to the center of your chest. Rest your attention here. Calling upon your breath to help you maintain focused attention, simply rest your attention right at the center of your chest.
- Breathe into your heart
- Witness: what unfolds as you rest your attention in this space. Don’t try to force anything to happen here. Simply rest your attention in this space
- Remain here as long as you’d like. 1 minute? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? An hour? Recognize the amount of time that truly serves you and this practice today.
- Experience what is here for you to be experienced today. A deepening connection? A mending? A healing? An expansion? A transformation?
If/when you’re ready for it, some more words of exploration and explanation
I recognize I made a bold claim when I stated that this type of practice has the power to transform the very fabric of reality, itself. Allow me to explain. As I do, recognize that I am not here determined to change your mind, but instead here with an invitation to explore this practice, yourself, and in doing so come to your own conclusions about the powers of this type of embodiment practice.
See, when we give ourselves the space and time to detach our consciousness from the external world and turn it inward into self, there is something magical that happens:
Magical – not in some “airy fairy” wave of a wand that changes the way of things without effort; but instead, the wonder that unfolds as transformation occurs in reality.
Magic has everything to do with physically transforming reality. In this context, it does it in a way that blows open our limited perception about how things work in this world.
Through placing your attention inward (i.e., placing your consciousness within your own self), we experience a sort of mechanism of action which, quite often, blows open our limited understandings of how things work.
And, if you are open, the result is wonder!
Once more, I invite you to explore this territory for yourself. I can bring to you all the words on a page that I can muster up to attempt to explain this phenomena (something I do enjoy); however, these words on a page have nothing compared to your own lived experience of this practice.
If you desire more of this sort of practice, I invite you to watch this video where I take you through a similar sort of practice with me.
And, if you desire even more words of explanation of this work, here is a second video for that very thing.