
Embrace Your Own Health Journey

There’s a story I witness playing out in our world on a consistent basis, and it goes something like this:

  • We are told over and over again from more angles than imaginable that simple, straightforward solutions exist to address our complex health issues:
    • Want to lose weight? Just eat less; or, just eat this specific diet
    • Want to lower your risk of heart disease? Just eat less saturated fat and take this pill every day
    • Want to avoid diabetes, just avoid sugar
    • Want to accomplish X? Just do Y
  • We hear these stories, then we try to embrace them in our lives, and then we end up unhealthy: overweight with low energy, suffering from debilitating symptoms (e.g. regular headaches, brain fog), and physically incapable of taking on the life we want to be living.

Let’s write a new story. Here’s how:

Step 1: Begin by understanding that your health journey is not a simple problem to be solved with an easy answer.

The human body is complex, and this means that your own health journey is unique. That is, what defines healthy behavior that best supports your body is not going to fit into the exact framework that someone else created to fit other individuals.

Step 2: Once this new level of complexity is appreciated, take a moment to understand what that means for you:

a. Your health problems (current ones and the ones to come) are not going to be solved with an approach that involves finding the one right solution out of the endless sea of noisy options.

b. Your health will be supported only once you take on the responsibility of learning to make healthy decisions for your own self.

It took me a while to figure this out.

For instance, I thought I could become a biomedical engineer and develop medical technologies to fix people’s health problems for them. It turns out that technology – while useful for certain cases – rarely addresses the true problem and generally only helps manage symptoms.

As another instance, I thought I could study nutrition and find out once and for all what the healthiest diet is for all of us. Well, it turns out that “healthy eating” is highly individualized and just because certain eating styles support the health of another individual it does not mean that this way of eating will support your own body.

This all led me to come up with Step 3:

Step 3: Figure out a solution that anyone can embrace to achieve positive health outcomes – one that embraces that complexity of the challenge and each of our own unique health journeys.

This would require two things:

  1. To meet the individual where he or she is at, and not attempt to fit anyone into a box – even if that solution happened to have worked for others.
  2. To shift over time as the individual moves through his or her health journey.

Four years ago, I launched Your Health, Reprogrammed to help me sort through all the science that would help guide us with this task.

By last year I had my answers and became focused completely on putting the information together in a series of programs that any individual could embrace and create real, positive change that not only lasts, but that builds over time.

At this point in time, here’s what I have offered for you:

1-on-1 Health Coaching.

For those seeking stronger guidance on their personalized health journeys, simply follow this link to sign up for your free 30-minute consultation with me, and let’s see how we can work together to overcome your unique health challenges.

The Your Health, Reprogrammed Membership Community

Includes 2X monthly content:

  1. Deep dive into (patho)physiologic pathways of good health vs. poor health and disease progression
  2. Deep dive into specific behaviors that tie directly into these (patho)physiologic pathways

Includes The Reprogramming Process, my dynamic process for overcoming any health challenge at any point in time.

  • Doors open April 4th and will remain open for the duration of April at the reduced price of $5.99/month.
  • Prices will return to the normal $9.99 starting in May, but if you sign up for the inaugural month of April, you’ll be locked in at your reduced monthly price
  • You can cancel any time

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