
The Journey to Better Health

The Journey to Better Health

While everyone’s journey is unique, I’ve found that there are general patterns that most individuals follow, and that’s what I’ve put together as The Journey to Better Health (outlined below) to help guide your health transformation. The Journey to Better Health is a path that most individuals follow as they go from unhealthy to healthy and fit individuals prepared to take on life every single day, and to do so for decades to come.

While I don’t like getting hyper-focused on a step-by-step path (because, after all, our lives are dynamic and non-linear), I have found that many individuals tend to follow this path forward.

We will call upon it as we move you forward on your own Journey to Better Health.

Stage 0: Overcoming Dysregulation

  • It’s common for individuals seeking to become healthier to jump straight into the challenging work that is sorting through information and working to take aligned action with different diets and exercise plans. However, I’ve found that people end up going nowhere (except around and around in circles) if they haven’t yet done the work to regulate the key systems in their body controlling general functioning.
  • In this stage we look at two key systems: the nervous system and endocrine system, to ensure that you begin your journey to better health from a grounded space.
    • Nervous system: having the ability to take action aligned with your understanding of healthy choices is an essential piece of your journey to better health. However, if your nervous system is regularly putting you in a place where you feel out of control, then we need to address how you can get yourself back to a grounded and safe space from which you can take aligned action.
    • Endocrine system: having the energy to show up for the health challenge is an essential key piece to a successful health transformation. Unfortunately, most modern individuals have dysregulated metabolisms that provide low or fluctuating energy levels. Our first step may be to address key behaviors that can provide you with strong and stable energy to take on your health journey.

Stage 1: Understand key health principles

  • The number one problem I see and hear about from the health sphere is that there is too much noise. Diet and exercise culture has us over-saturated with information.
  • What we need is to step away from the overwhelm as we find a clear signal about what tends to be healthy for most individuals.
  • In this stage we focus on key healthy behaviors to help build a solid foundation of healthy habits.

Stage 2: Tune into your own body

  • Every individual is unique. What is healthiest for you is going to be different from what is healthiest for anyone else.
  • There are different ways that you can find answers to the question of what is healthiest for your own self – body and mind – but the best means by which you will find serious answers is by tuning into your own body.
  • Your body is constantly sending you signals about what’s going on. If you can learn to listen and understand these signals, you become capable of taking control of your health.

Stage 3: Dial into your specific health challenges

  • When it comes to taking on your specific health challenges, it helps to have a broad toolkit from which we can pull from to address your specific needs.
  • In this stage, we use whatever we need (deeper mindfulness and embodiment practices, modern technology, deeper research, and more) to get you the answers you need to address your specific health challenges.
  • In this stage, we’ll also become more strategic about testing out these different ideas to find what practices best serve your health (and do it in a safe way).

Stage 4: A lifetime of good health

  • Understanding pathways of poor health and disease progression has been my passion for the past decade. With my extensive study of the human body from diverse perspectives (physiology, biochemistry, systems biology, nutrition, and more) I can help you understand the science of how disease progresses in the human body.
  • In this stage, we look at specific pathways of disease progression and tie them to your specific circumstances to help you make the healthiest decisions possible for your own body.

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