Come walk with me through the forest
Across dirt and rock
And gnarled root.
Come walk with me through these trees,
Look up there – do you see them, the leaves dancing in the light,
Joining with Wind to play an Earthly tune.
They’re up there, Shielding the harshest of Sun’s rays,
Filtering the light, passing luminous rays that fall on our retina –
illuminating our world as we stand here,
And bask in it all.
As we stand here – can you feel it?
Can you feel your very own feet,
Rooted down into the rich soil.
The soil – can you feel into the aliveness of it all;
the spectacular complexity intermingled together,
nourished, supported, connected.
Can you feel it, standing here,
Your own self,
Rooted down into the ground where we can join in with the Earthly matrix.
Will you stand here with me,
And know that we are all rooted, here in this collective Earthly matrix.
Can you stand here with me, and know?
Come, walk with me,
And let us continue forward down this twisting path through the forest.
As we move through space, can you allow yourself to breathe it in?
Yes, that rich aroma –
Let it fill your lungs.
It is their gift to us – to nourish our cells,
And nourish our souls.
What a remarkable gift, don’t you think?
Not to worry, you have a gift for them, too.
One that requires no effort on your part.
That’s it. Simply,
Come, let us walk down this path through the forest,
Soaking in Sun’s gentle rays, breathing in Tree’s deep aromas,
Inhale – and be nourished.
Exhale – and let your worries go to them, the trees,
And they will breathe them in joyfully,
Being nourished in turn.
Let us walk down this path,
Each one node in an expanse of life,
Weaving through it all.
Ahh, I see you there.
Your eyes have set sight on one of them.
The gods.
The masters.
The teachers standing high up in the sky.
If you’d like, we can continue to weave our way through the forest,
And navigate our way upward.
Up to them – the gods. The masters.
If we choose this, I promise you,
The path becomes more difficult, more strenuous.
You will be asked to find your strength,
You will be asked to bring your intellect.
You will be asked to bring all of you as you embark on this journey
Up to them.
If we decide on this direction,
I assure you, the path will be wondrous,
There will be trials, and you will be asked to dig deep into your heart,
As you find the path upward.
Upward, to them.
Hmm, perhaps another time.
There is always time for adventure,
For now, let us continue down this path through the forest,
Here, on one spectacular journey
through it all.