
Less Stress, Healthier You

Meditation - explore your own inner landscape (3)

Welcome! I invite you to join in a special 5-day workshop series that offers you the invitation to deepen into relationship with your own body (and greater self) as you move forward along your health journey.

The health & wellness industries teach us that health is a series of problems to be solved with quick fixes and idealized solutions that bring promise of ridding yourself of all ailments so that you can get on with your life.

I see things differently.

I am deeply interested in supporting you to solve problems and call in those results that you are seeking. But how we do this is everything!

These days, I am only interested in action that is grounded and embodied in practical steps that build on one another.

Traditional health & wellness protocols can be fun and exciting, but rarely do they lead to that which we are truly seeking!

Here, I invite you to step into a new way of relating to your own health - one that puts your relationship to your body (and greater self) at the center of it all.

What is in this Workshop Series?

This workshop series is a culmination of my many years researching and working with human health from a diverse range of perspectives - combined here with the most important lessons for anyone stepping into relationship with their own health:

Let go of all the "coulds" and "shoulds" around healthier living while you get clear on what behavior change could truly support your own self, mentally and physically

Learn simple practices to directly lower stress, release anxiety, and clear the overwhelm in your mind & body

Ground into your body as you come into deeper connection with self; the only space from which you can learn to make clear decisions on that which is truly healthy for YOU

Access this 5-part workshop series for the low price of just $97 dollars.

Join in and Immediately receive your FREE copy of Less Stress, Healthier You

Healthier Living with Less Stress

After years of studying human health and the vastly complex factors that all combine to determine how we feel on a daily basis, what I came to understand is this:

There are an endless list of internal and external factors that combine to determine each individual's state of health; however, above all is one clear determinant of mental and physical illness.


We live overly busy lives filled with too much to do and too much to be. We spend far too much of our precious time, energy, and attention being focused on all these crazy practices that are "supposed to" make us healthier. Meanwhile, all they often do is just add on more stress!

Copy of 2024 to the point posts

I teach healthy living differently. I have no interest in making you fit some cookie-cutter mold that I think will benefit you because it has helped a few other people.

Instead, I am interested in putting you at the center of your life, guiding you to call in that which you desire as you let go of that which is holding you back and making you feel terrible.

The bottom line is this: healthy living is about making you feel good! Bringing you greater energy and mental clarity and all that can better support your ability to show up in the life you want to be living!

Anything that causes you great distress is not in alignment with your healthier self, whether that's mentally, physically, or emotionally.

Watch the video below to learn more about what is happening in this space!

Hi. I'm Katie Hemphill

A Biomedical Engineer (B.S.E., M.S.) turned Yoga Teacher, Health & Embodiment Coach

Once upon a time, I believed the answers to our wide-spread health challenges existed only by searching through the vast sea of technical information underlying nutrition science, exercise physiology, and all the complex pathways tying behavior to your (patho)physiology.

It was exploring these vast, technical depths that I came across the greatest piece of wisdom, and it's this that I am here to teach you as I guide you to become a truly healthier version of your own self.

Healthier living is far-too-overcomplicated in our modern era. Let us simplify things; and, in doing so, allow for your healing to unfold organically.

