
Overcoming Healthcare Challenges

Our modern healthcare challenges are prevalent, impacting most individuals much of the time, and for some, are a serious and constant challenge each and every day.

Well, that was the case I thought about before the 2020 pandemic hit.

Now, I think it’s safe to say that, regardless of who you are, healthcare challenges are at your feet, whether they are directly your own or the failure of larger systems at play.

How do we address the large scale of these challenges?

That’s the topic of this short series on developing a new perspective towards our healthcare challenges – one that enables you to take action that takes you long strides forward towards avoiding common cases of poor health and disease.

My mission is not to solve every single healthcare problem, but instead, to help you see the challenges a little differently so that you can take broad and meaningful action.

Once you have this new perspective, many solutions actually become readily available. Even better, many of these solutions are quite simple while producing serious and lasting beneficial results.

That’s what I want for you: to be able to take simple actions that create serious benefits while keeping you away from harm.

Before we begin

If you like the content on this page and think you might want to more strategically apply it to your own life, check out my new mini-course on the same subject:

  • Learn to make healthy decisions using a systems biology approach to understanding your own human body
  • Become capable of taking aligned action to create the healthy transformation you’re seeking
  • Move forward through your own health journey as you make choices and overcome obstacles aligned with your unique body and life circumstances

Ready to get started with this series?

The following is a short series on how you can take control of your health using a systems approach to learning to choose healthier behaviors that best support your metabolic health.

Part 1 – Understanding the Complexity of Healthcare Challenges

Part 2 – Metabolic Health as the key to understanding high rates of disease

Part 3 – Taking Action with a process for taking on complex health challenges

Read More

Understanding Health, a blog post

The Reprogrammed Systems Approach, a guide to understanding the greater approach at play here at Upward Slopes

Watch more on a Systems Approach to Healthy Living

Join my new health coaching program


I am not a doctor nor any sort of licensed healthcare provider, so my intent is never to diagnose nor treat any illness (see full disclaimer) nor substitute the role of a physician. My role is to serve you as an educator, and if you decide to become a client, to help you understand your current situation and potential paths forward so that you can make your own informed decisions.


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