
Online Yoga Classes Pre-Recorded

Welcome to the pre-recorded yoga classes portal

Below, you will find classes listed from newest to oldest.

New classes released every 1-2 weeks.

Remember, while these classes are pre-recorded and provided here for you at your own time, they are created with the intention that they are held in a co-creative space. Please feel free to email me directly with insights or feedback, or bring what you have experienced to our live classes.

Spine Breath Meditation

A short but powerful guided meditation centered on the spine.

Fin a comfortable, seated position, press play, and follow along.

After going through the practice, we enter into conversation where I give you deeper guidance on how you can modify the practice to make it work best for you.

Low Lunge Vinyasa

Join me for a short practice focused on one of my favorite vinyasas: a low lunge sequence - one that enables us to find grounding & stability as we move through slightly awkward positioning, opening and stretching hips and legs as we go.

Here, I slow down this common taught practice of mine to get to the bare basics of the sequence. Use it as its own class, and/or as a space to focus more deeply on this one part of many of my Live classes.


Breath and Movement Class

Join me for 40 minutes of moving and breathing with a gentle, slow-moving class.

Especially powerful for stress relief, anxiety relief with bits tossed in to work with gentle strengthening.


Seated Breath-Focused Practice

All you need is a comfortable seat. Find your way to a chair, cushion, or the floor for this shorter (<20 minute) practice

Bonus! Guided breath meditation for grounding and connection

Pre-recorded as art of 7 day free online event (so you can disregard short messaging around the creation of the space we are already in!)

Shared here because I just really love this one 🙂

Bonus! Short (20 minute) gentle yoga class

Offered as free class to the public. I place it here in this space as an extra offering.