
Less Stress Healthier You

The New Year can be an exhilarating time as we move with the momentum of the season to create the change that we've considering for some time:

  • now is the time to finally start that diet
  • now is the time to finally join that gym
  • now is finally that time to do the hard work to create the change you keep putting off

But we also know that New Year's Resolutions are notorious failures and rarely lead to that true transformation we are seeking.

I know that there is so much more to life that you are ready to bring in. To do this, we can't be adding in more stressful events on top of our already stressed out & overwhelmed selves.

Instead, we need to be intentional about our choices, and ensure that they are truly benefiting our ability to show up in life.


This year, I am bringing back the FREE Building Healthy Habits New Year's event for a third year in a row to continue to help us all move into the New Year with a greater ability to show up in our lives with more energy, more mental clarity, and a greater ability to live out that live that we so want to be living.

Why are New Year's Resolutions notorious failures?

As we enter into the New Year, it's common to feel a strong sensation that you are now ready to create the change you've been seeking.

This wave is often so strong that it tricks us into thinking we will be able to show up with the same energy day after day after day.

But this wave quickly fizzles out as we move into the year, and the momentum of the New Year, alone, will not carry you forward with the consistency that is required to create true transformation.

How to create true transformation

True health transformation arises when two things occur simultaneously:

  1. You are able to take consistent action

  2. This action aligns with the day-to-day needs of your own body, and it is not overly stressful in any one moment, or across time

How it works:

Join me for 3 days of workshop and discussion on how we move into the New Year:

  • relieving stress

  • creating a foundation of truly nourishing & supportive behaviors

  • making health-conscious choices that align with your needs and desires

Following these three days, we'll come together for 2 bonus days of conversation and practice.