
Embodied Activism


Our world is in need of a great many things.

More than anything - as I see it - is a need for individuals to ground into their own humanity:

  • to deepen into their own, fully human selves
  • to deepen into connection with the expanse of life in all her spectacular forms

At the heart of it all, is really something quite simple:


Connection - with all parts of self

Connection - with all that is so much greater than self

If you think this is a big ask, it's because our modern world has trained us to try and try and try to work it all out using only our minds. Yes, the modern world has been successful at cutting our minds off from the rest of our human selves.

When we're stuck up in our heads, it is easy to get caught up in stories that others have fed to us. When we're stuck up in our heads, it is easy to get caught in an overwhelming mess of chaos.

When we are stuck up in our heads, it's easy to get caught up in waves of emotion that move us in directions that often cause more harm than good.

No longer.

Here, may we ground back into our bodies; and, even deeper into the roots, the webs, the breath that connects us all.

Here, may we find a path forward that heals us all:

  • our own individual selves: body, mind, spirit, soul
  • our communities, our ecosystems, and our planet as a whole