Welcome! I invite you to explore three spaces in which I am currently bringing forth writings, extending an invitation to join me in the spaces that resonate most fully:
Currently, my weekly (sometimes more like daily) writings come to you through my We Are The Forest Substack. Over here, I invite you into musings and guided practices that invite each us us to weave together the realm of word with our own, embodied experience.
You will also find the occasional writing housed here at UpwardSlopes.com as I focus my attention on the question at the root of this platform: that is, our over-emphasis on progress and ascension, and the dark repercussions of this one-sided view of the human experience.
A third home for my writings is in a 3-part series of books that are centered on embodiment, a relatively useless word because it can mean so much! To begin to clarify... what I mean is that, what I think and feel to be a core need in our modern world is to come down from the realm of mind over matter, transcendence, and any other "heights" focused ideology, and to weave together a new (or, we can see it as quite old) way of being in which we ask of ourselves to be in all aspects of the human experience.
Support my writing and join in with embodied practices that bring these stories and ideas to real life
Find me on Substack
The Call of the Forest
On relinquishing conditioning and returning home to self
The openings to a story of a scientist & engineer on a path to contribute to the progress of the world...
... and her finally coming home to the deeper truths at play.