Welcome! I invite you to join me in this special space designed to help you cultivate a gentle yoga practice
Watch the Video to learn more.
Hi, I'm Katie, and I am a 500-hr Certified Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist
Yoga is a space that I come to where I can practice slowing down, becoming more gentle with myself, and living in greater connection with my true needs & desires.
If you know anything else about me, some of this may be surprising. As an ultra runner, rock climber, and overall outdoor athlete; and, as a Biomedical Engineer, much of my time is spent pushing the limits of my body and mind.
Yoga teaches me how to balance out my own desired way of living with that of the true needs of my fuller self (my body, my nervous system, and more).
Here, it is never about an idealized way of practice. Instead, it's about knowing my own self ever more deeply as I more fully connect with the world I am one part of.

Join In
Online Yoga is currently getting revamped!
Coming Winter 2023, it will now be merged with our We Are The Forest Membership. Learn more
In the meantime, I can support you directly. Book a free 20 minute connection call to chat about how I can support your own, individualized yoga practice.
Yoga asana can be a wonderful practice for moving your body in therapeutic and/or athletic ways.
The question has less to do with what the best sort of yoga asana practice is and more to do with how we can each learn to move our bodies in ways that fully align with our own, unique needs & desires.
Can we move away from the "shoulds" and enter into a space where we make more fully embodied choices:
- Can we learn to support our bodies as we strengthen areas that could use our attention?
- Can we learn to nurture our own bodies with gentle movement and right type and amount of stretching?
Yoga is, at its very core, about connection:
- with our own selves: mind, body, spirit
- with the greater world we are a part of
In this space, can we come together as a community as we learn to connect more fully with our own selves, our communities, and the planet we live on?
At the same time, can we learn to more fully connect with all aspects of ourselves (instead of just those held highly in our modern society).
Rhythm, Flow
Once upon a time I believed that life unfolded as a linear progression. When life proved otherwise, I found my way to yoga as a tradition that could teach me how to live life as it truly unfolds.
In this space, we learn to be in a truer flow of life:
- learning to push ourselves in directions we want to progress
- learning to release and let go of the work as we stand witness to what is here to unfold
- learning to be in all of it for what is here and now
Join In
Online Yoga has now merged with our We Are The Forest Membership. Learn more
Interested in stopping in for a single class? Send me an email at Katie@upwardslopes.com and I will connect you with a single class for a drop in rate.
What type of yoga will I be teaching?
My favorite trainings have led me to teach a gentle and therapeutic breath-focused yoga practice.
Here, we move and breath in sequence, gently stretching and strengthening.
The breath becomes our guide as we move from from one posture to another.
What is gentle?
From what I have gathered, the term "gentle" is relative, and what serves you varies based on who you are and what you desire.
I hold one class that brings this gentle aspect as the main focus.
I hold another that explores what it means to be gentle with ourselves whilst we push outward to strengthen.
I always hold the clear intention for our yoga space to bring movement through a safe and therapeutic space.
Slow, gentle, anxiety relieving class
Gentle, Embodied Strengthening
Stable and Connected
Try out a FREE mini-class
Join me in a free 20 minute class as we focus on slow, breath-focused, gentle movement