Step into deeper connection
Get out of your head, heal your body, and create space for life to unfold in greater alignment with where you can best show up: for your own self, AND for the world you are part of!
Feeling stuck? Anxious? Overwhelmed in a sea of information and unable to take action that truly leads to meaningful transformation?
I hear you, which is why I created this 5-Part Workshop for you to get out of your head and in deeper connection with that which is truly alive: within your own self and within the world you are part of!
Here's the honest truth: Our modern world does a powerful job of disconnecting us from all that we are. We live our lives in a world that is noisy and chaotic, doing all it can to keep us swept up in stories and information that is ungrounded from truth and reality.
In this space, I am here to guide you into a grounded, embodied space - it's here that you find the healing you are seeking while creating space for skillful action that guides you forward through real, meaningful transformation.
Hi, I'm Katie Hemphill - A Biomedical Engineer (B.S.E., M.S.) turned Health & Embodiment coach.
I grew up in a world that taught me to live life fully in my head. In this space I excelled, becoming a sponge for science-backed information that I believed would hold all the answers to the problems I faced in this world.
I found quite the opposite. My reality turned dark when I found myself stuck, crippled with anxiety, in states of regular panic, and unable to make sense of anything that was happening.
Life didn't start to open up until I realized that the roots of my problems lived in my inability to listen inward. I'd been taught not to trust my body: my feelings, my emotions, the sensations arising from within. This became my downfall.
In this Workshop series, I am here to help guide you through a process to help heal your own self - mentally, physically, emotionally - while stepping into a space that cultivates greater skill for making the best decisions possible.

What is required for this workshop series?
Simply, YOU.
Just you and your full attention as you walk through and complete each of the 5 pre-recorded workshop videos.
This workshop is designed to be simple and accessible for all. I will invite you through the workshops in a seated or standing position (either options is just fine for all videos).
The power of these workshops is in your ability to be present in your own embodied space, taking in what I have to provide while being in conscious practice with what unfolds in your experience.
What am I teaching in this Workshop?
This workshop is here to set a foundation for living life in a more embodied space: that is, in deeper connection with all those parts of self that the world has taught you to separate from.
The modern world so often teaches us to disconnect from our bodies. Here, in this workshop series, you learn to be in deeper connection with self as you cultivate greater skill in your ability to walk through this complicated, messy, and often overwhelming world we live in:
Begin to truly heal your body, mind, nervous system, and all those parts of you that you may not even know exist!
Develop greater discernment as you learn to make skillful choices based on what is aligned with your needs & desires, and the greater collective
Deepen your awareness of all that is truly alive in your body and as you whole, fully embodied self
Workshop 1 - Find your grounding
Get out of your head and ground into your body, in connection to the Earth you are standing on.
In this WS I teach you my foundational practice for getting out of the overwhelm and bringing awareness to what is alive actually alive and present in this moment.
Workshop 3 - Health and Healing
Health, be it mental, physical, or emotional, is a great challenge in our modern world. In this workshop, we get focused on the different flavors of the transformational process that we are here to call in.
To me, health is no longer about fitting some idealized version of ourselves. Instead, it is a deeply internal question as I listen within for what my body is really asking for.
Workshop 2 - Create Space
Our world can be suffocating as it asks that we are constantly racing from one moment to the next.
Real, meaningful transformation (the kind that actually leaves you feeling healthier and more fulfilled!) only occurs as we slow down and create space for it.
Workshop 4 - The Art of Discernment
We've been taught to make decisions by focusing entirely on the power of our minds. And, while our minds are certainly powerful parts of self that serve a big role in our abilities to understand what is at play in a moment and call upon information to make a decision.... well, when we live our lives stuck in our heads, it's common to find ourselves in states of overwhelm, anxiety, and other lousy-feeling spaces that keep us stuck and in inaction.
Workshop 5 - Collective Healing
It's important to spend time focused on self. Moving through life feeling good as you have the energy and clarity to do what fills you up... this is so important.
AND, there is a deep need to recognize the role we play as part of the collective. We can't live our lives thinking we are separate from what is happening around us.
It's a truth that we are connected to all other life forms in ways that go far beyond what our minds can comprehend. Good thing we are here learning all about how our bodies can help guide us forward with this great wisdom!
Plus, Access these Bonuses!
- Guided Forest Grounding Meditation
- Find your grounding conversation and practice videos
- Less Stress, Healthier YOU Ebook
- 2 Grounding, Anxiety-Relieving Yoga Practices!
- 20 minutes
- 40 minutes
From the workshops...
"I believe one of the most important things our world can do for ourselves is learn to feel... with greater skill"
"Feelings, emotions, sensations.... they carry so much important information, but when we disconnect, we lose out on so much!"