
A trip up a mountain – thoughts from the top of Arizona

My heart is happy

Not fully. Not completely.

Parts are still broken. Parts still keep breaking. And unless my calculations are incorrect, there’s still more pain to come.

But right now, in this moment, I’m in my happy place.

Each experience up a mountain is unique. It’s fall now. The leaves are changing. Green, yellow, orange, red. The ground beneath me changes – dirt, yellow leaves, pine needles, rock.

In other ways, the unfolding of the path up a mountain is always the same. The path reveals itself, piece by piece, as you enjoy the scenery with the passing miles, only to turn a corner and be thrust into a different world – new landscape; new foliage; a new opportunity to soak in the beauty of this world.

At the same time, you’re pushing through a strenuous climb – thousands of feet of elevation gain with hopes of some reprieve just around the corner – only to turn the corner to find another hill. Steep. Rugged.

Over it you go, and into the next experience.

Looking back now, I can see it all clearly.

Lots of miles. Lots of elevation. A series of mini struggles.

But looking back now, I also see the beauty of it all. Bright spots of color. Dense greenery. Steep scree fields. And a path cut through it all going right to the top.


People often tell me I’m crazy. They like to use that word. Crazy. Why do I do this? Why do I keep doing this?

I smile, nod my head, and move on with my day. Because I know.


Climbing mountains is hard work. It’s uncomfortable. Sometimes even painful.

That pain – that discomfort – it’s unpleasant. It makes you want to stop, turn around, and go back to the comfort of your home.

It’s such a nice home. You worked so hard to create it. Why would you leave it and come here?

I know my answer.

Because the existence of this discomfort – it means that there’s magic at play – the kind of magic that is crafting me into the person I want to be as I live the life I want to live.

It’s not a gentle process. But I continue to come back here, with this deep knowing.

Looking back on it all, it’s beautiful.

And I know, in this moment, all is well.

From <https://www.instagram.com/p/CF7_WRkh65x/>

2 thoughts on “A trip up a mountain – thoughts from the top of Arizona”

  1. Pingback: Facing Heart Break – (and a better world) – Chasing Upward Slopes

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